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If you’re a recruiter, you’ve probably heard of artificial intelligence in recruiting before. Recruiting with artificial intelligence, However, this concept remains very little understood and very little used by recruiters.
Indeed, artificial intelligence is a concept very little used in the world of recruitment but offers many advantages such as the automation of certain tasks, particularly on the sourcing or the processing of applications.
Besides, it also makes it possible to better identify the talents that could be suitable for the position to be filled and the company. So what exactly is artificial intelligence and how can we use it as a recruiter?
This article will explain what artificial intelligence is in all its aspects, its advantages, and its disadvantages in recruiting. In a second step, we will see how to use it in our recruitments.
Artificial intelligence: what is it?
Before even learning how to use artificial intelligence in your recruitments, it is important to understand its definition, its advantages, and its disadvantages.
Definition of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is also called AI. It corresponds to the set of theories and techniques which allow the development of complex computer programs capable of simulating certain traits of human intelligence.
Why use it in recruiting?
Artificial intelligence has become more and more trendy in recruiting. Numerous examples of completely automated recruitments thanks to artificial intelligence have surprised many recruiters!
Indeed, artificial intelligence makes it possible in particular to carry out in-depth analyzes on candidates. For example, it makes it possible to analyze the candidate’s voice intonations, speech rate, words he uses, or facial expressions.
It, therefore, makes it possible to help the recruiter in the preselecting of candidates in particular on the sorting of CVs, the evaluation, and preselecting of candidates.
However, artificial intelligence remains a tool to be used with caution because although it can be a fabulous asset for companies in their recruitment, it can also have some drawbacks.
The advantages of artificial intelligence in recruiting
As we have seen previously, artificial intelligence has many advantages for recruiting, here are some of them in particular.
Facilitate sourcing
The first advantage of artificial intelligence in recruiting is that it facilitates sourcing. Indeed, one of the most tedious tasks of a recruiter is the identification and preselecting of CVs. Artificial intelligence can therefore allow recruiters to save time by setting up an autonomous sourcing system.
Indeed, some recruitment software based on filtering algorithms makes it possible to identify the best talents based on precise data.
Better identify the talents in line with the position and the company
The second difficulty for a recruiter is to identify the best talents in line with the position to be filled and the company for which he is recruiting.
Indeed, he receives so many CVs that it is sometimes difficult to sort through all the applications received. Automating this part of recruitment can therefore allow the recruiter to optimize their chances of finding the ideal talent.
Saving time and productivity
Thanks to artificial intelligence, many tasks that the recruiter must perform, such as CV sourcing or the preselecting of candidates, can be fully automated.
This, therefore, allows the recruiter to be able to save time on many tasks and therefore gain in productivity.
Further analysis
Artificial intelligence can allow the recruiter to perform much more in-depth and therefore more efficient analyzes.
As seen a little above, the AI can, in particular, analyze the intonations of the candidate’s voice, his speech rate, the words he uses, or his facial expressions.
All the information that artificial intelligence will have been able to detect will therefore enable the recruiter to make more effective decisions in the choice of candidates.
More emotional distance = more objectivity
Sometimes, it happens that some recruiters make bad choices in their recruitment because of prejudices. Artificial intelligence can help eliminate these prejudices and therefore make the recruiter’s choices much more objective.
However, this requires a good calibration of artificial intelligence tools. Indeed, as the recruiter decides on all the data that feeds the AI tools he uses, he can sometimes enter data that could distort this objectivity.
The disadvantages of artificial intelligence in recruiting
However, despite all the advantages that artificial intelligence can have, it also has some drawbacks. It is, therefore, necessary to use it with care.
The dehumanization of recruitment
If the entire recruiting process is done through artificial intelligence, then you risk dehumanizing your recruiting process.
Indeed, using this technique can lead to dehumanization if the whole process is automated. We must not forget that human resources and recruitment are primarily based on the notion of “people”.
Profile cloning and discrimination
If one sets up his artificial intelligence tool with certain sorting data such as the diploma validated by a candidate, the school in which he studied, […], the recruiter risks clone the profiles within his business.
Also, using certain criteria and eliminating some could lead to discrimination. It is, therefore, necessary to properly configure these artificial intelligence tools.
Missing out on good candidates
Artificial intelligence is mainly based on the hard skills of candidates. Indeed, it allows them to focus on their operational, technical, or even managerial skills which can be deduced from the analysis of a CV.
However, it cannot deduce all the soft skills, in other words, all the human skills or character traits that the candidate possesses.
The recruiter will then be able to miss good candidates by relying only on his technical skills rather than on his human skills.
5 examples of applications of artificial intelligence in recruitment
As we have seen, artificial intelligence can have many advantages in the world of recruitment. Here are 5 examples of applications of artificial intelligence in recruitment.
Writing the job offer
One of the first applications of artificial intelligence in the world of recruitment is related to the writing of job offers. Indeed, thanks to certain algorithms and software, you can write perfect job offers!
Thanks to these tools, you will be able to detect the best keywords; that will drive candidates to apply for your job offer. Certain tools such as “sentiment analysis” can in particular make it possible to analyze feelings, and therefore determine the best tone to adopt in your job offer.
Sourcing management
Secondly, artificial intelligence can also help you with your sourcing. Indeed, as you know, sourcing is a big part of recruiters’ work.
Many recruiting software specialized in AI can allow you to automate your sourcing. You can, for example, use this software to identify the most relevant profiles on the Internet for your recruitment needs.
Prequalification and processing of applications
Artificial intelligence can also help you with the prequalification and processing of applications.
Indeed, by entering your company data on your vacancies, the skills sought, the talents already validated in your company, the algorithms will be able to allow you to analyze all the applications received and automatically highlight the most suitable candidates. More suited to your recruitment needs.
Matching tests
Many matching tests allow candidates to complete certain tests and allow you to find candidates who can match your recruiting need. For example, personality tests are based on soft skills.
Recruitment Chatbot’s
If you haven’t seen these chatbots in action yet, it’s time to educate yourself. A Chatbot allows you to automate your responses to your candidates; the candidate will be able to interact directly with your robot which will have a set of pre-recorded questions. Some chatbots even allow the pre-selection of the candidate’s part to be automated.
Examples of existing AI solutions
Here are some examples of existing software:
Piper: this is a solution that allows you to source the best talents on the entire web thanks to the Piper-assisted search engine.
HelloJai: this solution allows you to create a Chatbot that will automate the pre-selection part of applications.
Assess first: this site makes it possible in particular to retain candidates according to their soft skills (otherwise known as their human skills); according to the sector of the company or according to the profiles you recruit.
Reminder: this solution makes it possible in particular to compare the job descriptions of recruitment needs; that you have with millions of profiles found on the Internet to find the most suitable candidate for your job offer. Besides, it can also analyze the CVs of candidates; that you have already been able to shortlist before as well as those of your recent recruits to find THE best talents associated with your job offer.
HireSweet: This solution helps companies find the best candidates for a recruiting need even before they are looking for a job.
Hippolyte RH: this solution allows you to automate part of your recruitment process but also to get in touch with candidates through messaging platforms; such as Snapchat, Instagram, or WhatsApp by detecting the platforms on which the candidate is connected.
Boostrs: this solution is used in particular in internal mobility, it allows, thanks to the skills detected by your employees, to be able to match them on vacancies or future projects of your company. […]
Artificial intelligence: a key change to come for recruitment
As we saw in the article, artificial intelligence is the future of recruiting. It will not only automate a large part of the recruitment process, but it will also make recruitments more precise.
However, it remains an alternative that is still difficult to implement and which may have certain drawbacks. It is, therefore, necessary to be careful when using it. For example, it will be necessary not to treat the entire recruitment process with artificial intelligence; at the risk of missing out on excellent talent for your company.
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