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The moon is a fascinating celestial object that has captivated humans for millennia. It changes its shape and brightness every night, creating a variety of lunar phases that mark the passage of time. The most spectacular of these phases is the full moon when the moon is fully illuminated by the sun and appears as a bright disk in the sky.
But not all full moons are the same. Depending on the month, the season, and the culture, each full moon has a different name and meaning. Some full moons are also associated with special astronomical events, such as eclipses, supermoons, blue moons, and micro moons.
In this article, we will give you a preview of the full moon calendar of 2023, so you can plan ahead and enjoy the lunar show. We will also explain what each full moon name means and what astrological significance it has.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun so that its face is fully illuminated by the sun’s rays. This happens about once every 29.5 days, which is the length of a lunar cycle.
However, due to the slight tilt of the moon’s orbit around the Earth, the alignment of the sun, earth, and moon is not always perfect. Sometimes, the moon is slightly above or below the plane of the earth’s orbit, so that it appears slightly smaller or larger than usual. This is why some full moons are called supermoons or micro moons.
A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the earth (called perigee) during a full moon phase. This makes the moon appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than a normal full moon. A micro moon occurs when the moon is at its farthest point from the earth (called apogee) during a full moon phase. This makes the moon appear up to 14% smaller and 30% dimmer than a normal full moon.
Sometimes, the alignment of the sun, earth, and moon is so precise that the earth’s shadow falls on the moon, creating a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse can only happen during a full moon phase, but not every full moon produces an eclipse. There are three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the entire moon passes through the darkest part of the earth’s shadow (called umbra). This makes the moon turn a reddish color, which is why it is also called a blood moon. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only part of the moon passes through the umbra, leaving some of it in sunlight. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the entire moon passes through the lighter part of the earth’s shadow (called penumbra). This makes the moon appear slightly darker than usual, but not as dramatic as a total or partial eclipse.
What are the Full Moon Names and Dates in 2023?
The full moon names we use today are derived from various sources, such as Native American tribes, colonial settlers, farmers, and almanacs. These names reflect the seasonal changes and activities that happen around each full moon. Some names are more common than others, and some have different variations depending on the region or tradition.
Here are the names and dates of the full moons in 2023:
- January 6: Full Wolf Moon
- The first full moon of 2023 is named after wolves that howled in hunger during this time of year.
- This full moon is also a micro moon, meaning it will appear smaller and dimmer than usual.
- This full moon is in Cancer, which is a water sign that represents emotions, nurturing, and intuition.
- February 5: Full Snow Moon
- The second full moon of 2023 is named after snow that typically fell during this month.
- This full moon is also a supermoon, meaning it will appear larger and brighter than usual.
- This full moon is in Leo, which is a fire sign that represents creativity, passion, and confidence.
- March 7: Full Worm Moon
- The third full moon of 2023 is named after worms that emerged from the thawing ground during this time of year.
- This full moon coincides with Daylight Saving Time in some regions.
- This full moon is in Virgo, which is an earth sign that represents service, analysis, and perfectionism.
- April 6: Full Pink Moon
- The fourth full moon of 2023 is named after pink flowers that bloomed during this month.
- This full moon is also known as the Paschal Moon, as it determines the date of Easter in the Christian calendar.
- This full moon is in Libra, which is an air sign that represents balance, harmony, and relationships.
- May 5: Full Flower Moon
- The fifth full moon of 2023 is named after flowers that blossomed during this month.
- This full moon is also a supermoon, meaning it will appear larger and brighter than usual.
- This full moon is in Scorpio, which is a water sign that represents transformation, intensity, and mystery.
- June 3: Full Strawberry Moon
- The sixth full moon of 2023 is named after strawberries that ripened during this month.
- This full moon is also a partial lunar eclipse, meaning part of the moon will be darkened by the earth’s shadow.
- This full moon is in Sagittarius, which is a fire sign that represents adventure, optimism, and philosophy.
- July 3: Full Buck Moon
- The seventh full moon of 2023 is named after bucks that grew new antlers during this time of year.
- This full moon is also a supermoon, meaning it will appear larger and brighter than usual.
- This full moon is in Capricorn, which is an earth sign that represents ambition, discipline, and responsibility.
- August 1: Full Sturgeon Moon
- The eighth full moon of 2023 is named after sturgeons that were caught more easily during this month.
- This full moon is also a total lunar eclipse, meaning the entire moon will be reddened by the earth’s shadow. This will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the century, lasting for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
- This full moon is in Aquarius, which is an air sign that represents innovation, freedom, and humanitarianism.
- August 30: Blue Moon
- The ninth full moon of 2023 is a blue moon, meaning it is the second full moon in a single calendar month. The first one was on August 1.
- This full moon is also a supermoon, meaning it will appear larger and brighter than usual.
- This full moon is in Pisces, which is a water sign that represents spirituality, compassion, and imagination.
- September 28: Full Harvest Moon
- The tenth full moon of 2023 is named after the harvest season that began around this time of year.
- This full moon is also the closest to the autumnal equinox, which marks the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
- This full moon is in Aries, which is a fire sign that represents action, courage, and independence.
- October 27: Full Hunter’s Moon
- The eleventh full moon of 2023 is named after hunters who tracked their prey by the light of this moon.
- This full moon is also a micro moon, meaning it will appear smaller and dimmer than usual.
- This full moon is in Taurus, which is an earth sign that represents stability, sensuality, and loyalty.
- November 25: Full Beaver Moon
- The twelfth full moon of 2023 is named after beavers that finished building their dams and prepared for winter during this month.
- This full moon is also a penumbral lunar eclipse, meaning the entire moon will be slightly darkened by the earth’s shadow.
- This full moon is in Gemini, which is an air sign that represents communication, curiosity, and versatility.
- December 25: Full Cold Moon
- The thirteenth and final full moon of 2023 is named after the cold weather that settled in during this month.
- This full moon coincides with Christmas Day in some regions.
- This full moon is in Cancer, which is a water sign that represents emotions, nurturing, and intuition.
How to Watch the Full Moon?
The best way to watch the full moon is to find a clear spot with minimal light pollution and obstructions. You can use binoculars or a telescope to get a closer look at the lunar features. You can also use apps or websites to track the exact time and location of each full moon.
However, watching the full moon is not only about observing its physical appearance. It is also about connecting with its spiritual energy and influence. Many people believe that the full moon has a powerful effect on our emotions, moods, and behaviors. Some also perform rituals or ceremonies to harness its power for healing, manifestation, or cleansing.
Whether you are a star gazer or a lunar lover, the full moon calendar of 2023 offers you many opportunities to enjoy and appreciate the beauty and wonder of our natural satellite. So mark your calendars and get ready for some lunar magic!